Exhibitor Registration for February 4 - 6, 2026 Show
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Do you have an online account with Southern Shows?The registration process can streamlined by logging in to your online account before filling out the application.LOG IN NOW if you have an account. If you are a previous exhibitor, and do not know your login and password, click here to have your credentials emailed to you. Registration InformationAll information collected by Southern Shows is confidential. Your information will not be shared with anyone for any reason.A photo of your products or servicesWe are going to be requesting a photo of your product or services during this registration process. The photo is not required, but if you would like to send a photo please be prepared to upload that during the registration process.Terms of ExhibitingAt the end of this process, we are going to ask you to agree to the terms of exhibiting with Southern Shows. If you would like to read those now, click here.
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Terms of ExhibitingRULES AND REGULATIONS Exhibitors shall be bound by the Rules and Regulations set forth herein, and by such amendments or additional rules and regulations which may be established by Show Management. References to ‘Show Management’ herein shall be deemed to include the Show, Show Sponsors, Endorsers, the facility, and duly authorized representatives, agents or employees of the foregoing. 1. PHYSICAL LIMITATIONS Standard exhibits (one or more spaces in a straight line) will be confined to a maximum 8 ft in the rear half of the space, and a maximum of 4 ft in the front half of the space. If an exhibitor has three or more exhibit spaces in a line, the center space(s) (ones not adjoining other exhibitors) may extend 8 ft high to the front of the exhibit. Peninsula exhibits (four or more spaces back to back with aisles on three sides) may be 8 ft high only in the center 10 ft off backline. All display fixtures and product must be configured to avoid blocking the sightline to adjoining exhibits. Island exhibits (four or more exhibit spaces with aisles on all four sides). No height restriction. Pre-approved banners may be hung from the ceiling, over the exhibitor’s space, in most buildings. Contact Show Management for size banners permitted, and cost to hang banners. Exceptions to these rules may be granted by Show Management, with advance notice. 2. FLOOR COVERING All exposed floor area within the exhibit must be covered with carpet or appropriate floor covering. 3. DECORATIONS Materials and decorations used in exhibits must be flame resistant. Electrical wiring and equipment must conform with National Electrical Code Safety Rules. If equipment or machinery requiring special amperage, or appliances that might come under fire codes are planned as part of the exhibit, please contact Show Management regarding facility codes, and availability of necessary services. 4. UNFINISHED EXHIBITS Displays adjoining other exhibits, or exposed to the aisles, must be finished out in a manner that is attractive when viewed by show guests and adjoining exhibitors. 5. EXHIBIT APPEARANCE Exhibits must be kept in good order during all hours the show is open to the public. Show Management reserves the right to approve the character and content of all exhibits, as well as the right to remove product or decorations that do not meet approval. 6. BANNERS/SIGNS/WORDING OF SIGNS All signs must be professional, of appropriate size and nature, and displayed within the limits of the leased exhibit space. The use of plastic or oilcloth banners is discouraged. Show Management reserves the right to remove any sign deemed unacceptable, and will not approve signs such as the following: Truckload Sale; Going Out of Business; Wholesale Prices. Note: Only island exhibits may hang pre-approved overhead signs and banners. 7. USE OF COPYRIGHTED AND TRADEMARKED MATERIAL Exhibitors are responsible for procuring the rights to copyrighted and trademarked material used in conjunction with their participation in the show, and for any consequences, fees and fines resulting from improper use. Materials include, but are not limited to, music, photographs, video, and logos. Uses include, but are not limited to, the exhibitor's exhibit in the show, material distributed at the show, material posted to exhibitor-created pages on the Southern Shows Inc. website and other on-line entities related to the show, and materials provided to Southern Shows Inc. for promotion of the exhibitor. The exhibitor understands that the use of copyrighted and trademarked materials without prior consent from the copyright holder is a violation of copyright laws and that the exhibitor is fully responsible for any consequences of using such materials. Southern Shows Inc. does not monitor the use of exhibitor's materials, and takes no responsibility for such content. 8. STAFFING Exhibit areas, with the exception of pre-approved static features, must be staffed throughout show hours. 9. USE OF EXHIBIT SPACE Demonstrations, sales, solicitations, and use of circulars or promotional materials must be kept within the exhibitor’s assigned space. Exhibitors may not conduct or solicit business beyond the confines of their exhibit. Mascots and costumed company representatives must remain within the confines of the leased exhibit space, unless ‘roaming’ has been approved by Show Management. Materials promoting other events, as well as products and/or materials not related to the exhibiting company are prohibited. Advertising, circulars, catalogues, folders, or devices shall not be distributed or placed in the aisles, registration areas, or other public show areas. Any activity that results in obstruction of aisles, or nearby exhibitor’s space will be suspended until congestion problem is solved. 10. SOLICITATION Exhibitors are prohibited from soliciting other exhibitors, except from within their own assigned exhibit space. Non-exhibiting firms or organizations are not permitted to solicit business within the show. 11. NOISE Exhibits which include the operation of equipment, musical instruments, radios, A/V equipment, public address systems, or any noise-making machines must be arranged inside the space, so that resulting noise does not disturb adjacent exhibitors and their patrons. Use of microphones must be approved by Show Management. 12. FOOD The sale, sampling or distribution of food or beverages for consumption on the premises must be approved by Show Management. Check with Show Management about specific facility and health department rules and costs in each city. 13. PRIZES, LOTTERIES AND RAFFLES Winners of contests promoted at the show must be selected at the show, and winner’s names provided to Show Management. Any advertising or promotion which involves attracting show guests to an exhibitor’s location by any inducement which might be construed as a lottery is strictly prohibited. Drawings or contests must comply with local, state and national guidelines. Every exhibitor is charged with knowledge of national, state, and local laws governing games of chance, lotteries, raffles and the like. 14. FIRE, HEALTH REGULATIONS Exhibitors are charged with knowledge of all laws, ordinances, and regulations pertaining to health, fire prevention, customs, and public safety, while participating in any exhibition (show) produced by Southern Shows, Inc. Compliance with such laws is mandatory, and the sole responsibility of the exhibitor. If you are unsure of or unfamiliar with local laws, please request copy of same from Show Management. 15. DAMAGE TO FACILITIES Exhibitor will be charged for any building and/or grounds damage caused by exhibitor, exhibit personnel, or subcontractors of the exhibitor. Additionally, exhibitor will be charged for removal of paint, oil, grease, adhesive tapes, floor abrasives, or for excessive debris left in the exhibitor’s space. 16. MATERIAL LEFT AT SHOW Exhibitor agrees that Show Management, without incurring any liability for damage or loss, has the right to dismantle and pack property that has not been removed prior to established move-out day and time. Such dismantling and packing will be at the sole expense of the exhibitor. Exhibitor agrees, with respect to any exhibit material or property of the exhibitor for which shipping arrangements have not been made, that Show Management shall have the right and authority to clear such property from the exhibition premises, designate carrier(s) for its return, send it to public or private storage, or otherwise dispose of it, without incurring any liability therefore. Cost of such removal, return, storage, and other disposition shall be charged to and paid by the exhibitor. 17. USE OF SHOW GUEST REGISTRATIONS Any names or data collected by an exhibitor as the result of a drawing, contest, or any other activity conducted at the show may be used only by that exhibitor and only for purposes relating to products demonstrated, sold or promoted at the show. An exhibitor accepting space in the show specifically agrees not to sell or give away any of the names collected at the show to any other individual or organization. 18. ASSIGNMENT OF SPACE Space assignment is made in keeping with exhibitor’s request, when feasible. Final determination of space assignment is made by Show Management, and assignments may be made or changed at any time when, as determined by Show Management, such change is in the best interest of the show. 19. CANCELLATION POLICY All cancellations must be in writing. Facsimiles and emails are acceptable written forms. Cancellations received six months prior to the show date will be refunded the full amount paid at the time of cancellation, less a $100 cancellation fee. Cancellations received between three and six months prior to the show date will be refunded any sum paid over the required 50% deposit. Cancellations received at any time during the three months prior to the show date will receive no refund. Failure to setup within specified move-in times will result in forfeiture of exhibit space and all monies paid to date. Exhibit space can be reassigned at Show Management’s discretion. Exceptions are cancellations that occur within 48 hours of space request and confirmation. Space reserved and cancelled within a 48-hour period will receive full refund of monies received, with no cancellation fee. 20. TERMINATION OF SHOW OR CONTRACT Show Management reserves the right to terminate the show if use or occupancy of the show premises is, or will be, materially interfered with by reason of fire, casualty, strike, embargo, injunction, act of war, act of God, unanticipated construction making the building unsuitable for occupancy, any other emergency, or any other act or event not the fault of Show Management during any period of time the availability of the said premises is critical to successful production of the show. It is expressly agreed that such a termination shall not constitute a breach of the contract. Should any contingency interrupt or prevent the holding of the show, Show Management will return such portion of the amount paid for space as may be determined to be equitable by Show Management after deduction of such amounts as may be necessary to cover expenses related to termination, including a reserve for claims in connection with the show. If for any reason Show Management determines the location of the show should be changed, or the dates of the show postponed, no refunds will be made, but Show Management shall assign to the exhibitor, in lieu of the original space, such other space as Show Management deems appropriate, and the exhibitor agrees to use such space under the same Rules and Regulations. The show and/or Show Management shall not be financially liable, or otherwise obligated in the event the show is canceled, postponed, or relocated, except as provided herein. Show Management reserves the right to cancel the contract without further obligation at any time prior to Show opening by rescinding all future obligations under the contract. Show Management may cancel the contract for cause if (a) exhibitor has failed to pay the total space rental 60 days prior to show opening; (b) exhibitor fails to perform any material term or condition of the contract; or (c) exhibitor refuses to abide by all rules and regulations established by Show Management for the show. 21. TRANSFER OR SUB-LEASING SPACE PROVIDED Exhibitors shall neither assign nor sublet all or any part of the space rented without the permission of Show Management, and Show Management shall be under no obligation to grant such permission. 22. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES DISPLAYED AND SOLD MUST BE ACCORDING TO CONTRACT Exhibitor may not exhibit or sell, in the space assigned, any goods or services other than those specified on the Exhibit Space Application (or approved in writing as an addendum to the contract by Show Management). Additionally, exhibitor may not exhibit in the space, or permit to be exhibited therein, displays or advertising materials of any sort bearing the name or form of advertising other than that of exhibiting company or approved sponsor. 23. ILLEGAL MERCHANDISE Merchandise or services prohibited by law are not allowed in the show. This includes, but is not restricted to, unlawful reproductions of brand name merchandise. 24. USE OF IMAGES Southern Shows, Inc. reserves the right to use photographs and video taken of exhibitor, exhibit personnel, exhibitor’s space or feature stage presentations. These photographs may be used only to promote Southern Shows, Inc. events. 25. INSURANCE Exhibitors are required to provide an insurance certificate covering liability for exhibit contents, personnel and show guests within the exhibitor’s assigned space. The certificate should list Southern Shows, Inc. as an additional insured. The insurance limits on the certificate should be a minimum of $1,000,000 for each occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate. 26. LIABILITY It is expressly understood and agreed by the exhibitor that he/she will make no claim of any kind against Show Management for any loss, damage, theft, or destruction of goods or exhibit; nor for any injury that may occur to himself or his employees while in the exposition facility; nor for any damage of any nature, or character whatsoever, and without limiting the foregoing, including any damage to his business by reason of the failure to provide space for an exhibit or removal of the exhibit; or for any action of Show Management in relation to the exhibit or exhibitor. The exhibitor shall be solely responsible to his own agents and employees, and to all third persons, including invitees, and the public, for all claims, liabilities, actions, costs, damages, and expenses arising out of or relating to the custody, possession, operation, maintenance, or control of said leased space or exhibit, for negligence or grievances otherwise relating thereto. Exhibitor is also held responsible for his or her agents and employees performing on show stages. Exhibitor does hereby indemnify and hold harmless Show Management against any and all such claims as may be asserted against it. 27. DISCLAIMER OF RESPONSIBILITY To the extent that Show Management does not have control over parking, food concessions, loading and unloading areas, or any and all other facilities and services used in, at, or in conjunction with the show, including equipment owned by the facility or show decorator, Show Management expressly disclaims responsibility for any aspect thereof. Show Management shall, to the best of its ability, serve as the liaison between the exhibitor and any such third party. Exhibitor agrees not to deal directly with any such third party without first notifying Show Management. 28. AGREEMENT ACCEPTANCE AND UNWRITTEN RULES Upon acceptance of the Application/Contract by Show Management, it shall be a legal binding contract, provided that each party may cancel within the conditions of the contract. Show Management reserves the right to make and publish show rules and regulations for the conduct of the exhibitor, and the show generally. Further, Show Management reserves the right to make changes, amendments and additions to these rules and such further rules and regulations as it considers necessary for the good of the show. Any matters not specifically covered herein, or in the application/agreement or show prospectus, are subject to decision by Show Management, and its decision on any matters which may arise thereunder shall be final. 29. ADDITIONAL RULES AND REGULATIONS Additional rules and regulations pertaining to specific shows may be included within the Exhibitor Kit available to each exhibitor. |